Why Keeley Hawes loves her roll top bath

Why Keeley Hawes loves her roll top bath

Posted on 08. Jun, 2011 by in Design Tips

I was just watching the television the other night, and an advert came on which made me ask myself a question: what do I find therapeutic?

Initially, I thought it was a rather large stretch to connect Hawes with such an advert. But maybe I will correct my first impressions.

Well, I don’t know about you but I enjoy relaxing. And what better way to relax, than with the style of Keeley Hawes featured above. You may know Keeley from Spooks (the MI5 drama on the BBC), and more recently from Ashes to Ashes, also on the Beeb. But she’s also starred in some more period dramas such as Upstairs, Downstairs.

Keeley Hawes, star of BBC drama Upstairs, Downstairs

Keeley Hawes, star of BBC drama Upstairs, Downstairs

And this typically traditional, regal lifestyle is total suited to relaxation – especially if you had the benefit of wealthy connections.

Did you see the roll top bath? (Pause at 0.22)

It got me thinking how this once expensive, exclusive statement piece has been transformed into a more mainstream but ultimately luxurious item for the average family home.

So just like a good cup of Kenco Millicano coffee, and a refreshing cycle ride, there will will always be space for a long, luxurious bath in the evenings or weekends.

I’ve already got my favourite brand of coffee, but the advert has made me more determined to update my own bathroom at home!

Keeley Hawes recently stated in an interview that given the size of these tubs, her children can’t resist having a splash about – making it truly quality family time.

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