Fantastic deals and discounts.

An Extra 5% Off EVERYTHING – For 3 Days Only You can grab yourself a new bathroom at significantly discounted prices for the next 3 days only! Because, we've just knocked a further 5% off all our prices (in addition to the 60% existing discount). This brilliant bathroom sale will continue for three days only, and the last day available […]

It is true that over 160 of our most popular products were already discounted. But right now, all items on BathEmpire have been discounted by a further 10% – including the ones on sale before! This brilliant bathroom sale will continue for three days only, and the last day available for you to place an order will be Thursday 23rd […]

Bathroom ideas UK to improve your property value.

As you can see our January sale has arrived, a month early. So why has the sale started now? We want to beat the VAT rise in January so by starting the sale now we are giving you more of an opportunity to save money and get a great deal on our fantastic range of products. We have a wide […]