Buying & Installing Bath Screens
Baths, Buying Guides, How To Shower Guides, Installation and Fitting, Technical Teambath screens, bath shower tap, bathempire, concealed shower unit, exposed shower unit, straight bathsSometimes there is not ample space for a standalone shower unit. Therefore, bath screens are the perfect way to integrate your shower into your bath.
At BathEmpire, we have a selection of bath screens that protect your bathroom from spray that can drench your bathroom floor and furniture and lead to horrible moulds.
They can be combined with any of our straight baths. If you are renovating the entire bathroom you can purchase a bath shower tap along with your bath screen.
An alternative to this would be installing a concealed or exposed shower unit and selecting the bath filler, pop-up waste and overflow kit instead of the standard bath waste. This waste lets you fill the bath without installing taps.
Fixed or Hinged Bath Screens
The main distinction between our ranges of bath screens is some feature a hinge whereas others don’t. The larger bath screens are 1400mm in length and feature a large section of glass with a towel rail that pivots on a hinge for ultimate usability.
Those of you who are more conscious of space can opt for a smaller 1000mm screen that remains fixed to the wall with no moving parts.
Bath Screens Installation Guide
Step 1
Attach the rim of the bath screen to the wall, using the fittings supplied.
Step 2
Ensure the bracket is fully level before marking the targets with a pencil – drill the holes.
These bath screens come with a handy 20mm adjustment to allow flexibility for out of line walls.
Step 3
The bath screen should securely fit against the rim of the bath once installed, so that water cannot escape.